Bianco Dolomite Pinwheel Polished
/ sq. ft.
Total Price:
Sqft Per Pc | 1.16 |
Sqft Per Box | 11.6 |
Pcs Per Crate | 450 |
Pcs In Box | 10 |
Approx Weight Per Pc | 6.17 |
Approximate Thickness | 0.38 INCH |
Shipping & Returns
Shipping Information
We process orders within 2-3 business days, with delivery typically taking 5-7 days. Standard shipping is $2.25 per square foot, with special rates for large tiles and samples. For full details, visit our Shipping Policy.
Return Policy
We accept returns within 60 days of purchase with a 20% restocking fee. Customers are responsible for return shipping. For more information, please review our Return Policy.
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